
Biodegradable gloves using SHOWA Eco Best Technology (EBT)

The first nitrile glove to be biodegradable

Launched in 2012, our biodegradable nitrile glove wants to make a difference to the environment without any compromise. With 150 billion pairs of gloves produced every year and 100 billion thrown away, we want to make a difference.
Because of its composition the EBT starts the decomposition of the glove before its disposal. The result creates a decomposition cycle of 1 to 5 years in active landfills instead of 100 years.
A major movement toward sustainability that is not limited to single use gloves. At SHOWA, biodegradable technology is available for chemical protection or single usage gloves.

Ask now for more information to find out why do you need technology in your future glove.


How biodegradable technology works

In addition to the story behind the biodegradable gloves, explore how this biodegradable glove can help sustainability.


Which SHOWA nitrile glove is biodegradable?

Have a look at the SHOWA 7500PF achieving 82% of degradation in 386 days (laboratory test). Among these gloves sit the SHOWA 6112PF or the SHOWA NSK24.