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Antistatic Protection Gloves
PROTECT YOUR HANDS FROM ANTI-STATIC INJURIESIt is essential to be protected while working in statically charged environments.
The Risks Of Electro-static Discharge
Manufacturing industries such as aerospace and automotive should not overlook the perils of electrostatic discharge (ESD). Gas explosions and integrated circuit failures cripple business operations and even cause fatalities.
For this reason, ESD Protected Areas (EPAs) require antistatic gloves in both handling and assembly processes. The gloves protect the worker’s hands while shielding products and components from getting contaminated.
SHOWA’s antistatic protection gloves are your hands’ PPE solution in a statically charged work environment. All of our antistatic gloves follow surface resistivity standards. This feature makes our gloves the preferred choice in industries such as aerospace, automotive, IT, and electronic cleanroom environments.
Production operations that involve intricate work with circuit boards or handling heavy equipment in a hazardous environment are just some of the conditions sensitive to static discharge. Don’t wait for a disaster to happen at your site. Choose SHOWA antistatic protection gloves to protect yourself against ESD injury.